
Turmeric, a magic herb!

There are a few herbs that are considered magical in the Ayurvedic tradition: ginger, black pepper and turmeric. Turmeric has risen in popularity as its anti-inflammatory effects begin to be published in peer reviewed journals. The herb is also known for its anti-bacterial properties and ability to act as an anti-coagulant. It has nearly zero contraindications unless it is used in extreme excess.

Right now I'm enjoying a cup of turmeric milk. Well, turmeric hemp milk. I've added 1/2 teaspoon of powdered organic turmeric to 12 oz. of organic vanilla hemp milk and brought it to a minimum boil. This is a great bedtime drink as the warm milk helps to relax you and aid sleep while the turmeric works its magic. Even the yellow color seems magical in some way. You can have yours with whole milk or occasionally with soy milk if you prefer. Almond and rice milk tend to be a little too thin. Try it for two weeks and see how you feel!

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